What-if: Madea and Mr. Brown Were Veronica’s Parents? | Tyler Perry’s The Haves and the Have Nots

By Jeremy Carden


It feels like it has been a century since I made a post on here. Honestly, it is a joy to be back in blog form because YouTube has become the central hub of my HAHN content!

First off, make sure you subscribe to my HAHN YouTube channel if you have not done so already:


My channel is less than 9,000 subscribers away from 100,000! I want to get there as quickly as possible, and I cannot do it without the help of other Tyler Perry fans.

I know that a lot of Madea fans have been wanting her to make an appearance in the HAHN for quite a while. However, I was never a fan of that because the HAHN is a drama series that put Tyler Perry in another arena from his usual style of comedic writing. As I wrote the notes for this theory, I came across a few interesting clues that could make this theory work!

While I was reading through the comments on my video going over this idea, a lot of people were quick to say how ridiculous it was. Most people were pointing out that Veronica and Cora do not have the same last names, Brown isn’t dead, etc.

I think I should address a couple of the things that people have commented on YouTube:

  1. How could Cora be related to Veronica? They do not even have the same last name!

Why is this even a question? Veronica married David HARRINGTON! That means she took his last name and dropped her previous name. For all we know, her previous name could’ve been “Simmons.” On top of that, Tyler could write Madea and Mr. Brown into the series without making them mirror images of their play/movie/sitcom counterparts. Veronica has siblings, but that does not mean Cora has to be one of her sisters. Remember that this could be a completely different continuity.


  1. Mr. Brown wasn’t a gambler or a pimp!

It was stated by Katheryn in the series that Veronica’s father played the numbers as well as women. Once again, Tyler could write Mr. Brown to be an entirely different character for the HAHN. Not to mention, Veronica’s father is dead in the story of the series. We know that Jim sued him so badly that Veronica’s mother hates his guts. Also, a good nod to the “Meet the Browns” movie was the line about how “Your daddy was a pimp!”

  1. Tyler Perry said that he was done with Madea

This response does not need a lot of text because it has been stated from the man himself that Madea will be coming back. With the various platforms that Tyler Perry has access to with his Viacom deal, he’ll have our favorite “mad black woman” on our screens soon enough.


Viewers were not listening to my video very well because I stated that this scenario would take place within the universe or continuity of the HAHN instead of the MCU (Madea Cinematic Universe).

Here are some of the various clues that support the theory that Veronica’s parents COULD be Mr. Brown and Madea:


After looking at these clues, I think Tyler Perry could make this work. Remember that “Eddie” from “If Loving You Is Wrong” popped up in “A Madea Family Funeral.” It was stated that “Eddie/Edward” was the name of the officer that pulled Brian over in the movie. However, there was no confirmation that the movie was taking place in the same universe as “If Loving You Is Wrong.”

Also, the property of Tyler Perry Studios has a lot where many of the houses from the MCU, HAHN and If Loving You Is Wrong are located on the same street! Tyler Perry could easily put characters from his other projects into his television shows.

Overall, I think it would be a fun twist on the series for Madea to appear and shake things up. Season 7 has been labeled the “deadliest” season of them all. Madea is so deadly that even the Malones would be shaken to take her on!

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below and checkout my video as well:

How Has Chris Brown Not Been Cancelled Yet?

by Jeremy Carden


I believe this blog should start off with a disclaimer to avoid people dragging me online. This is not a post about how I hate Chris Brown or anything like that. Honestly, I have been a fan of his work since his debut album. If not for his checkered past, I truly believe that he was going to be the next Michael Jackson. In terms of talent, I don’t think there are too many other artists in the industry right now who can compete with him.

Earlier this year, a couple of big names in the music industry had their legacies tarnished by documentaries that took the internet and the world by storm. Of course, I am referring to “Leaving Neverland” and “Surviving R. Kelly.” Despite being dead for almost 10 years by the time the documentary was aired on HBO, Michael Jackson was “cancelled” by a lot of people around the globe. Some of his music was removed from streaming services, music stores pulled his records from shelves and radio stations refused to play his singles.

R. Kelly’s troubles have been going on ever since the infamous tape where he was shown urinating on an underage female. However, there are some fans who will support him no matter what. That explains why fans have bailed him out of jail on more than one occasion. Too bad the recent allegations, testimonies from former associates and uncovered tapes have put R. Kelly in a situation that even bail money cannot get him out of.

What does this have to do with Chris Brown getting cancelled?

The point of his blog is to discuss whether Chris Brown will eventually get the same “treatment” that R. Kelly and Michael Jackson faced earlier this year. I watched the “Welcome to My Life” documentary on Netflix, and it answered a lot of questions that fans have been wondering for years. The scene that had viewers talking was related to the night of the incident between Brown and Rihanna.

Considering that we are living in an era of cancel culture, I’m surprised that Brown has not had a documentary made about him going over all of the various legal troubles that he has faced over the years. Whenever someone mentions “Chris Brown”, I think a lot of people instantly think about the situation with Rihanna. However, there have been A LOT of various arrests, fights, allegations, etc. that have happened between 2009 and 2019.

This video that I found on YouTube goes into great detail about all of the situations that Brown has gotten himself into:

I’m wondering if the reason Brown has not faced a lot of backlash from the cancel culture is because his fanbase is so strong. A lot of people would agree that the reason R. Kelly did not go to jail because of the notorious tape was because he was dropping hit records. Fans would say that he is too talented to do such a horrendous crime.

Is Chris Brown getting a pass because of his talent as well?

Look, I have not been a huge fan of his work since his “X” album. It could be argued that Chris Brown has more hit singles than hit albums. Just because I have not been a fan of his latest work does not mean that I have stopped being a fan. He is a rare talent for our generation, and it is inspiring to see him continue doing what he loves despite the world standing against him.

What I don’t want is for another 15 or 20+ years to pass by, and then we’ll see a documentary coming out to destroy Brown’s career and legacy when he could be a completely different artist in the “golden age” of his career and life. I wonder if the cancel culture will even still be a thing in 2030 and beyond.

Overall, do you think Chris Brown is “getting a pass” because he is extremely talented with a dedicated fanbase? Should people still support him despite everything that he has done in his past?

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below!

Also, check me out on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe because my channel is less than 9,000 subscribers away from 100,000:


Help Me Reach 100,000 YouTube Subscribers!

by Jeremy Carden

To everyone who has supported me ever since my days blogging on WordPress, I cannot thank you enough for helping me along my journey. The transition to YouTube a couple of years ago has reached a level that I never expected to achieve after such a short amount of time.

In this post, I just want to express my gratitude to my subscribers and followers because I could not have made it this far without you. I will be going over some of the numbers from 2018, and how each of my social media platforms have grown. Some people might find figures and numbers a bit boring, but I could not be more excited to share my success with you! This will allow you to see that each video that you watch and online post that you LIKE and SHARE makes a difference!


October 2017 was when I left my full-time job at a call center in order to focus on my YouTube channel for a living. The Haves and the Have Nots was a show that I loved with a passion, and my channel was focused on reviewing the series.

With the whole mess involving Logan Paul posting the body of a suicide victim online, YouTube was faced with what was called the “Ad-pocalypse.” Content creators on YouTube were dealing with very strict rules on videos because nearly everything was being held for review before advertisements could be added. This really slowed down my income for the first few months of 2018.

However, things started to get back on track sometime in April. One reason for my increase in success is because of TubeBuddy. It’s is a free program for YouTubers to utilize in order to keep track of the progress of their channel. This amazing program sent me a video earlier today that broke down my channel’s growth last year. Below are the numbers:



As you can see, there was a massive increase in the number of videos that I posted. With more time to create, I can record and upload videos at a much faster rate. Will I have an even greater number of uploads in 2019? I would like to focus more on quality over quantity, but I must report on news that is dropped into my lap for fans to stay informed. Also, the increase in views is an extension of the videos that I post. If possible, I hope the channel will hit 20 million views before the end of the year.

Finally, I want to talk about the massive jump in subscribers! If you have been watching my videos or following my Instagram account, you know that 100k is my long-term goal! If the channel continues the momentum, I have no doubt that it will hit that magic number before 2020. My hope is that I hit that milestone before I turn 28 on August 29th.

Now, here are the Top 3 videos from 2018:




If the storyline for Season 6 is as jam-packed as Season 5, I have no doubt that there will be a video or two to hit over 200,000 views!


With the channel currently over 58,000 subscribers, I have hope that it can hit 70,000 before the end of March. It really depends on how many people tune-in for the season premiere on Tuesday, January 8th.

What can you do to help?

Honestly, it is just a simple matter of sharing my channel around to other fans of The Haves and the Have Nots. The series is still the #1 show on OWN! That means there are millions of people who watch the show. However, not all of those fans are aware of my YouTube channel.

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Once the channel hits 100k subscribers, I am certain that it will continue to grow at an even higher rather. Currently, my channel is at the Bronze level with Youtube. This is a level for channels with 10,000-100,000 subscribers. After reaching over 100k, my channel will be at the Silver and Up level. This means YouTube will make my content even more visible during searches.

As badly as I want to reach that level, I wanted to take a moment to appreciate how far my channel has come since 2017. Once again, I cannot express the amount of gratitude to each one of you for your support.

Here is a link to my channel:


PLEASE subscribe if you have not done so already. With the HAHN returning in less than a week, you can expect a lot of new content on the channel very soon!

What Are The Writers Doing With Barry This Season? | CW’s The Flash

By Jeremy Carden

Let me start off by saying that I am a fan of CW’s The Flash series. However, Season 4 has gotten a lot of complaints from fans. Season 3 had a knack for stirring up the fanbase because of how long it took for them to reveal to identity of Savitar.


Season 4 has been a bag of trail mix for most viewers, and that is the nicest way that I could describe this season. From Iris leading Team Flash and using the phrase “WE are The Flash” to their being too many cooks in the kitchen (referring to the number of metas on Team Flash that it seems ridiculous that they couldn’t easily overcome any meta-of-the-week threat that comes their way in a matter of minutes), I have seen a new complaint every Tuesday that a new episodes airs.

The sad part about this routine is that most of the complaints this season are valid. For this post, I want to focus on one character rather than most of the problems littered throughout this season.


Barry Allen is the victim of my latest “rant” when it comes to The Flash!

True, a lot of fans will often complain about Barry’s speed being highly inconsistent or how he should be beyond any speedster at this point after being trapped in the Speed Force between Seasons 3 and 4.


However, I am not here to talk about The Flash and his powers. I want to focus on Barry Allen the person.

If you ask me, I am not even sure if the writers even know what to do with Barry this season. In a lot of ways, he seems to be more of an obstacle than a help to Team Flash.

Yes, I have been hard on Iris West-Allen from the start of this season. However, I cannot sit here and not act like Barry hasn’t been causing trouble within the team.


I think that it was made clear even during the opening episodes of this season that there would be a parallel between the relationships of Barry/Iris and The Thinker/Mechanic.

Each episode we see Devoe and Barry acting very cold, calculating and distant to those around them. However, we see the difference in their lifestyles because Barry has a support system comprised of friends and family that are not afraid to tell him that he is wrong (which has been quite a lot this season). Devoe has his wife to be that support for him, but he does not choose to listen to her even when she is 100% correct about something.

To be honest, I think we saw this side of Barry back in Season 3 after seeing the possible future of Iris being killed by Savitar. Not that I would want anyone to go through this punishment, but I suggest going back and watching a few episodes during the second half of that season.


There were plenty of times when Barry was a complete asshole (especially to Wally) because his main objective was keeping Iris safe at all cost; even at the expense of his team.

To be honest, he really reminded me of Rip Hunter from Legends of Tomorrow. His mission stands above everything and everyone else. It doesn’t matter who he must throw under the bus to achieve his goal. Heck, Rip almost got Jefferson killed near the end of Legends Season 1 when they were on their way back to the Vanishing Point with Vandal Savage in the holding cell.

What really annoys me about Barry is the fact that the writers have really been driving home the point that he would make a terrible team leader.

Is this being done just to support their reasoning for making Iris the leader in his absence?


Honestly, we saw that Barry was not the greatest teacher for speedsters back in Season 3. He wasn’t talking his time when teaching Jesse in the early episodes of that season, and he was rushing Wally because he wanted him to be the one to save Iris from Savitar.


Remember when he froze at the control panel when Iris was trapped under a piece of debris while trying to put out a fire after gaining Barry’s speed? Another example of him being an incompetent teacher to other speedsters.

In Season 4, I feel like he is dumbed down just for the sake of the story. Yes, the comic book version of Barry is very intelligent and can think incredibly fast. I understand that the CW version of Barry is not at that level yet. I am not even sure if he will ever reach that level of skill on the show because any problem that Central City faces would only need Barry and not Team Flash.

However, that does not mean that the writers need to diminish his intelligence so much that he is next to useless.

In previous seasons, we have seen Barry made decisions based on his emotions alone. This has led to some very big mistakes that have cost Barry, Team Flash and the city (sometimes even more than just Central City) a lot. Flashpoint is obviously the biggest consequence of his choices, but there are more that are scattered throughout this series.


One of the biggest things about Barry that has annoyed me this season is that he has a serious lack of patience for anyone who decides to not go with the plan that he comes up with. This is very relevant to his partnership with Ralph this season.

Yes, I will admit that he was not the nicest hero to ever join Team Flash. The episode with him making nonstop jokes to substitute for his fear was very annoying. For some reason Barry has been written to have a very short fuse this season. Especially when it comes to anyone challenging his authority.

It really rubbed me the wrong way to see Barry like this. In the most recent episode, he is trying to mend the cracks in Cisco’s relationship with Gypsy. Was I the only one that thought about Boy Meets World during this episode?

For anyone born in the 90s, you should know this show well just as the younger generation grew up with Girl Meets World.


Cory Matthews had a knack for sticking his nose in places that it did not belong. He would always try to help put his best friend Shawn back together with his girlfriend Angela whenever they were having relationship troubles.

Yes, it was annoying to see how Cory acted. However, his motives were to help his friends for the sake of helping his friends.


In Barry’s case, he was only pushing Cisco and Gypsy back together because the team was holding on by a thread. Basically, Barry wanted the relationship to heal as soon as possible just so Cisco could get his head in the game because The Thinker is still out there as a major threat.

How much would you want to bet that if Barry was going through a rough patch with Iris that he would be mopping around like someone shot his puppy? You know he would not want to be pushed back into the lab or his home to talk with Iris in the same fashion that he literally pushed Gypsy from Jitters to S.T.A.R. Labs!

It makes my head spin to see how the writers are making Barry act like such a jerk this season!


Again, I see that they are trying to demonstrate how Devoe and Barry can act like they are the same person. Both are driven when it comes to accomplishing a goal, and that can make them isolate those around them. What separates them is that Barry (sometimes) listens to the people around him when they call him out for his nonsense.


Some of my favorites scenes this season were when Ralph would challenge Barry because he had some legitimate points. I remember when he called out Barry for being so fast, but still allowing their target to escape because he was too worried about bystanders getting caught in the crossfire. However, the episode wrote it so Ralph was wrong and realized where Barry was coming from.

The one fight these two had that I really couldn’t stand was Barry refusing to listen to Ralph about how they should improvise in order to stop The Thinker.

If you ask me, thinking outside of the box seems to be the most effective way of countering Devoe because he claims to have thought about every possible outcome that Barry and the others could think of.

Barry did it once and it worked! Remember when Barry was trapped in Devoe’s pocket dimension? He was inside of that cage that no meta abilities could escape from. Did he escape? Not really…

To trick Devoe into thinking he had escaped, The Flash vibrated his body at such a high speed that it appeared as if he was invisible. This made Devoe deactivate the cage and Barry ran out of there!

How did he accomplish this? By thinking outside of the box! If it worked at such a critical moment for him, why was he so against it when it comes to Ralph?

I could continue this post, but I think this is a good stopping point. What do you think about Season 4 Barry Allen? Do you feel the same way I feel about his character?


Keep in mind that I did not even mention the Speed Force language that he was writing everywhere in Episode 1. It seemed like the story forgot about that plot point as quickly as Barry did by the end of the episode!


Though we did see “Coffee shop girl” writing similar symbols in her journal…

I hope that the writers can turn things around by the end of this season and improve on the writing in Season 5.












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Why Doesn’t Team Flash Kill The Thinker? | CW’s The Flash

By Jeremy Carden

This post is related to one of the most emotional episodes of Season 4. “Lose Yourself” certainly was an episode that had me feeling all types of emotions. Sadly, I was more annoyed than depressed over Ralph’s death at the hands of Devoe.


Alright, I know that different superheroes have their own rules about killing villains.

However, there has to be a point where the consideration of crossing that line needs to be addressed for the sake of the greater good.

No joke, I did enjoy that particular episode of The Flash. I believe it was one of this season’s better episodes. It was cool to see Joe and Iris get victories in their fights. I didn’t even mind Iris too much in that episode.


Heck, I think this is the sort of Iris we should have been seeing all season!


But my main gripe about the episode (as with most episodes this season) is Barry Allen.

A majority of episodes this season have felt sort of rinse-and-repeat in terms of them finding a bus-meta, saying they’ll do whatever it takes to prevent Thinker from stealing their bodies, they fail and then mope at the end of the episode due to their failure.


Yes, Ralph can be, has been and was an overall tool (just to use the nicest word that I could think of to describe him). However, he was a lovable tool when the script didn’t have him being overly annoying, selfish or afraid.

Seriously, there was a lack of consistency with his character this season. I feel like there were at least three or four episodes about Ralph overcoming fear or his own selfishness for the sake of becoming a hero.

He made a valid point about taking out Devoe FOR GOOD and by ANY means necessary.


True, it could be chalked up to him being afraid for his life (because he has every right to be), but I hate how Barry shot him down every chance he got in the episode because Ralph wasn’t following the guidelines of “Mr. and Mrs. Star Labs.”

Funny how Barry is more than willing to beat down his “friends” and “teammates” to keep them in line, but doesn’t show that same kind of gusto when it comes to defeating his enemy.

Now, I’m not saying that anyone who litters or ignores a stop sign deserves to be skewered by Killer Frost, breached to a deserted planet by Vibe or get the “Reverse Flash treatment” through the heart…

However, at what point is enough enough?


How many metas (and just regular people for that matter) have to die IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES before you decide that it is time to “cross that line” to prevent the enemy from hurting people?

At the end of the season, if the entire planet is on the line because of Devoe’s “enlightenment device” then I don’t want to hear Barry and the others crying about the fate of the world or how they’re not going to fail because they LET things get to level of danger. All of it boils down to them not doing what needed to be done while they still had the chance.


That is why I didn’t care about Barry and the others being sad because the blood of ALL of the pipeline metas and Ralph are on their hands as much as Devoe’s.


Going back to what I mentioned above about Iris, I still feel like she was not that annoying in “Losing Yourself.” However, there was one piece of dialogue between her and Ralph that didn’t sit too well with me.


I love how Iris talked to Ralph about not killing the person that wants to kill him. She started off on common ground because she DOES know what kind of situation Ralph is in right now.

For the second half of Season 3, the main focus of Team Flash was to prevent Savitar from killing Iris. She had to deal with the fact that she was possibly living on a ticking clock because everything Team Flash tried ended up failing (until HR sacrificed himself).


Here in Season 4, the focus of Team Flash is to prevent Thinker from killing the bus-metas (including Ralph). However, history repeats itself because Thinker is 20+ steps ahead of everything the team can think of. Similar to Savitar, who was a Barry that had lived through everything present Barry had meaning that he would be aware of any tactic that Team Flash thought of if Barry was there to know about it. 

So, I agree that Iris can relate to where Ralph was at that point in the season.

However, her saying that killing isn’t the tough call but the wrong one

Eh, hard for her to be the person to say that since she was the one who pulled the trigger leading to Savitar’s death.

How’s that for the pot calling the kettle black?

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Also, wasn’t Iris firing at The Mechanic with lethal shots during their showdown in S.T.A.R Labs? If it wasn’t for her blocking the shots with her blade, then I doubt she would have survived!

I believe Barry mentioned that he knew what Ralph was going through as well. In the sense of wanting to kill his enemy, I could see that being true. He fought the urge to kill Zoom and Reverse Flash at different points in the series.

However, I don’t think he can relate with Ralph when it comes to someone wanting to take his life.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think ANY of the major villains on The Flash have wanted Barry dead. For the most part, they all wanted or needed him alive for their own master plans:


  • Reverse Flash needed Barry’s speed in order to get back to his own time.
  • Zoom needed Barry’s speed in order to save his life, and then his speed in order to fuel the device he wanted to use to destroy every multiverse aside from Earth-1.
  • Savitar needed Barry alive to ensure his own existence. It was the death of Iris that mattered to him.
  • Devoe needed Barry released from the Speed Force to create the bus-metas. Then needed him out of the way to not interfere in his plans, and in the episode “Therefor She Is” we learned that he has an even bigger need for Barry in the near future. However, he will kill The Flash once that plan is finished; most likely referring to the Enlightenment.

So, I don’t think Barry can say that he knows what it is like to be on the run (no pun intended) for his life as Ralph was this season.



It just made me cringe throughout the episode when Barry kept preaching about how they don’t cross that line when it has been crossed SEVERAL times in previous seasons by members of Team Flash.

  • Joe killed Weather Wizard’s brother at the end of the very first episode of The Flash, and then “Flashpoint Joe” killed The Rival. In both scenarios, Barry had defeated them by stopping their cyclones that would have brought major destruction to Central City. Then after assuming the battle was over, the bad guys tried to strike when Barry was vulnerable. Joe shot them in the back to protect Barry and that was that!
  • Iris did the same thing when she shot Savitar in the back (killing him) because Barry had his back turned after defeating him. That could be called poetic justice since Savitar stabbed her in the back resulting in her death in the future that Barry saw earlier that season. However, death is still death!
  • Barry killed two of the Earth-2 doppelgangers during the opening episodes of Season 2! I believe he trapped Atom Smasher in a container where the radiation killed him, and then he killed the “Sandman” after learning how to use his lightning bolt technique from “Jay Garrick.”

Guys, I’m just naming a few deaths that Team Flash caused off the top of my head. Sad to say, but I think there may have been a few that I missed.

Let’s be honest, if Devoe was about to kill Barry and Iris had to make the call; she would have killed him. Just as she did with Savitar when he was about to strike Barry when his back was turned.


Heck, I could see Iris looking at Mechanic dead in the face before killing Devoe saying; “You asked me how far was I willing to go to save my husband…” *pulls trigger* “….that’s how far….” all because she loves her man along with demonstrating the strength of their love.

No questions asked if that murder took place, but if one of the other team members wants to kill then it’s a problem????? Heck, remember when Iris stopped Killer Frost from killing Amunet Black after she crashed her bachelorette party?


Season 3 Caitlin/Killer Frost was right when she told Barry, “But why would you care? You got Iris. You got your happy ending. Everyone else be damned.

All of Team Flash can fall by the wayside, but as long as Mr. and Mrs. Star Labs are alive and well…everyone else be damned.


Be sure to check out my video with more thoughts about this subject:


Also, be sure to follow me on my other social media platforms:












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Episode Review: Veronica’s House | Tyler Perry’s The Haves and the Have Nots

By Jeremy Carden

Well folks, The Haves and the Have Nots has finally returned to OWN! I have to say that I am pleased that the show is back such after a short break.


In my opinion, the episode that dropped on May 1st was the best episode of Season 5! Honestly, the overall pacing and story lines of the episode worked for me. True, the first 20 minutes did seem a bit stretched out and slow. Did anyone else get Acrimony vibes during the opening scene with Veronica claiming that David is in HER house with a whore?


However, things took a turn in the right direction when Veronica and Justin met in the hallway of the jail. For me, the episode just really started to take its foot off the break.


Of course, how could I not talk about the cliffhanger between Wyatt and his parents! Everyone is talking about that backhand the he gave Katheryn and the wine bottle that was slammed on the back of Jim’s head.

If you want all my thoughts on the episode, I urge you to check out my video below:

Trust and believe that I have a lot to talk about. This is the best time to subscribe to my YouTube channel if you have not done so already.

We will have new episodes of the show for the next 3 months, and I could not be more excited about it! There is so much ground to cover over the next 11 Tuesdays.


My channel has just hit over 25,000 subscribers, but there is still room for plenty of HAHN fans to jump abroad!

Please share the video around and tell other fans to join the channel!

If this episode was an indication of what is to come for the rest of the season, I feel that we are in for one heck of a ride.


Overall, I give “Veronica’s House” a 9/10. It was easily better than the first 10 episodes that we got during the beginning of 2018. For me, the first portion of the episode moving a bit slow was really the only thing holding it back from a perfect score.


Next week’s episode looks intriguing as well! If you want to see my trailer breakdown video for “In His Eyes” then you need to click on the video below ASAP:


Be sure to follow me on my other social media platforms for my thoughts on all things Tyler Perry-related:












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Could Gogeta or Vegito Defeat Jiren? | Dragon Ball Super

By Jeremy Carden

I am not sure if this was already mentioned in one of my previous blogs, but I was originally against the idea of Goku and Vegeta fusing during the Tournament of Power.

Yes, this went for both Gogeta (Fusion Dance) and Vegito (Potara Earrings).


I felt like the Tournament of Power had already handed out enough transformations, power-ups, fusion (Kefla and the Universe 6 Namekians). However, I think the change in tone of the final battle between Universes 7 and 11 has given me a new perspective about fusion.

Goku and Vegeta fusing now would seem appropriate instead of being nothing more than mere fan service like it was during the Zamasu/Goku Black arc or at the end of GT.

In the last episode, Vegeta said that he was willing to do whatever it took to defeat Jiren. 17’s sacrifice to buy the Saiyans sometime for them to recover some stamina would have been the trigger for them to fuse.


The Saiyans pulled out all the stops to defeat the powerful alien of Universe 11. They tried a Spirit Bomb, Kaio Ken times 20, Ultra Instinct Omen, Final Flash, Limit-Breaker Vegeta, etc.

Heck, Goku even organized a coordinated attack with 17 and Vegeta and that still wasn’t enough!

With both warriors barely able to stand, they refused to surrender considering Vegeta’s promise to Cabba and Goku’s resolve to avenge 17.

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If done right, I believe this would have been one of the most epic battles of the entire franchise. Yes, I am certain that we would see very powerful attacks and fight sequences. However, I think the meaning behind the battle would be even greater than the fight itself.

Jiren does not trust anyone except for himself and his own belief in absolute power standing above all.

Who better to show Jiren that trusting each other and what it means to draw strength from a desire to protect something other than yourself than Goku and Vegeta?


Remember that they made it clear during Resurrection F/Golden Frieza Saga that they would rather fight alone without helping each other due to their pride.

They did put their differences aside to fuse into Vegito to face Merged Zamasu because the stakes were way too high for either one of them to handle alone. It was for the sake of saving Trunks’ timeline.

Here the same rules apply because they would be fusing to save their entire universe from being erased.


Since Dragon Ball Super is ending soon, it was just revealed that Goku would be obtaining full mastery of Ultra Instinct. This new level of Ultra Instinct will have the Saiyan sporting white/silver hair. Fans are already split over this new form, but I will wait until I see it in the anime before I form an opinion of my own.

Would Gogeta or Vegito have a mastered version of Ultra Instinct if Goku and Vegeta fused? I would like to say yes because both Saiyans had reached a limit-breaker form.


Having them fuse with Vegeta (attack) and Goku (defense) having one piece of the puzzle that is Ultra Instinct would have been amazing to see!

In the end, Jiren would eat a piece of humble pie while finally accepting the fact that trust is not a weakness but a strength. It is something far more absolute than any level of strength of that Jiren could achieve on his own.


Gogeta or Vegito should be more than capable of handing Jiren. Considering that Goku with Ultra Instinct will being giving Jiren a run for his money, I do not believe that a Goku/Vegeta fusion would not be able to get the job done.

Yeah, I might be looking too deep into this subject, but I’d much rather see a brotherhood between these Saiyans to show this emotionless bastard what ‘absolute power’ truly is!


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Toppo Should Have Been The Final Opponent | Dragon Ball Super

By Jeremy Carden

For those of you that have not watched Episode 126, I would suggest clicking off this blog immediately to avoid spoilers.

If you watched the last episode of Super, I am sure you are aware that Toppo was eliminated by Vegeta’s Final Explosion sending him out of bounds.


However, I think that Toppo was defeated much too quickly. Considering how awesome it was when he powered up to his God of Destruction state, Episode 125 was amazing compared to this episode. I am not saying that I disliked Episode 126, but it felt rushed for the most part.

The first half of the episode showed Toppo blowing up more rocks than inflicting damage on Android 17. Heck, the first 2-3 minutes of the episode was literally the last couple of minutes from last week’s episode!

I was also cringing at the thought of Piccolo and Beerus being excited that #17 was able to trick Toppo into being covered with rubble from the arena. Don’t get me wrong, it was a crafty strategy that worked. However, I can’t believe they thought a God of Destruction tier opponent would be overtaken by rocks of all things.

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One of the most epic scenes from last week’s episode was how easily Toppo defeated Frieza. #17 tossing that rock to prevent Frieza from being eliminated led a lot of viewers to believe the Frost Demon would be unconscious for at least one or two episodes. However, Frieza was back in this episode like nothing happened a few seconds ago.

Basically, the first 7-9 minutes of the episode was a game of cat and mouse between Toppo, Frieza and #17 like it was in the last episode. Vegeta got forced into fighting Toppo instead of him confronting the “second fiddle” of Universe 11 as the preview had viewers thinking he would.

I think for a solid minute, Vegeta was being bombarded by energy blasts from Toppo. During this entire scene, I was thinking #17 and Frieza would try to distract Toppo for Vegeta to counter. It just seemed like those two disappeared as soon as Toppo started attacking the Saiyan Prince.


Honestly, I did not enjoy this fight as much as I thought I would. As I mentioned before, it seemed like Toppo was being rushed off the arena. The dialogue between Toppo and Vegeta was more interesting than the actual fight. Last week, Toppo was dominating his opponents. This week, Toppo was being knocked around like a ragdoll by Vegeta. It would have been better if their battle was at least two episodes. Have Vegeta struggling at first, but then pushing Toppo back after gaining a new sense of resolve by thinking of his loved ones.

Yes, I understand that Super is ending in about five episodes. However, this is going to lead to a very rushed ending that will leave a sour taste in the mouths of fans. Seeing the beam collision between the Final Flash and Toppo’s destructive energy was cool. Though it just felt too rushed for me to enjoy the scene. Vegeta thinking about his family and promise to Cabba was interesting. It showed the character growth that he has had since Z. Toppo was almost a representation of Majin Vegeta.

Remember that Toppo threw away everything that made him Toppo. He let go of his sense of good, evil and most importantly his justice. Just as Vegeta let go of what he considered to be petty attachments for Babidi to take his soul to gain enough power to close the gap between himself and Goku.

Going even further back into the Z series, remember that Vegeta told Goku to let go of his soft-heartedness to defeat Frieza. On the contrary, it was his soft heart that allowed him to become enraged enough to achieve the Super Saiyan transformation.


This was one of the reasons why the Vegeta vs. Toppo fight should have been extended for at least another episode. We got to see Vegeta draw strength his family. This is very ironic because in the episode “Vegeta’s Respect”, Vegeta questioned if Goku had such amazing power because it was his sense of duty to protect his friends and loved ones. However, when Vegeta found himself with a family of his own, he did not get any sort of power increase.

All of that made the moment where he berated Toppo for surrendering his justice even better. The problem was that the scene was over in the blink of an eye, and did not have enough time for those words to sink in. There was more time spent on Vegeta’s fists pounding Toppo in the face or destroying the energy blasts sent his way. All of that looked good, but it would have been cooler to see Toppo somewhat second guessing his decision.

Even though the Final Explosion was incredible to see once again, this fight did not seem worthy of one. Vegeta did not seem to be having that much of a difficult time against Toppo that he would have to resort to using his suicidal technique.

After Vegeta lashed out at Toppo, he was not able to even land a hit on the Saiyan. All of this made Toppo’s feats in the last episode even less impressive because a few seconds later Vegeta is beating the tar out of him.

It appears that Super seems to have allow these fighters to use techniques that have life-threatening effects doing nothing more than lead to exhausted from a severe loss of energy and stamina. We saw this with the Evil Containment Wave in the Goku Black Saga when Goku used it on Zamasu in the manga. He did not have enough energy to go Super Saiyan Blue but resorted to Super Saiyan God to fight the immortal Kai. Even Roshi used the wave several times in the tournament without dying!

Apparently, if a character is powerful enough then their ki is severely drained but not the entirety of their life force.

It reminded me of the videos games where Majin Vegeta uses the Final Explosion but survives with only one hit point and nearly zero ki left.


Overall, Toppo was wasted in the Tournament of Power. Not only did he fail to eliminate even ONE opponent, but he had more success blowing up the arena than knocking off fighters.

Now, why did I mention that Toppo should have been the final opponent?

It all goes back to how Super began. This series started with the introduction of god-tier characters like Whis and Beerus. The challenge that Goku and Vegeta faced was gaining the power necessary to compete with these beings.

Super should have ended with Goku and Vegeta overcoming someone who is in the same league as a God of Destruction. If anything, I think it would be like a graduation or right of passage for them.

Toppo represented what Goku and Vegeta declined from Whis. They turned down the chance to be trained as the next God of Destruction of Universe 7. Vegeta asked Whis to take him on as a student, but Whis mentioned that he would only train the next God of Destruction.


After the battle with Beerus in the Battle of Gods movie, Whis asked if Goku would like to take Beerus’ position after he died. The Saiyan turned down the offer, but he was more than willing to join Vegeta on Beerus’ planet to train.

Instead of sharing how to utilize the powers of a God of Destruction, it seems like Whis was more focused on teaching the Saiyans the following things:

  • Ki control
  • Sensing beings with divine energy
  • Recognizing their flaws
    • Goku is too relaxed leaving himself open to attack
    • Vegeta is too stressed which prevents him from reacting fast enough in combat
  • Learning how to work together
  • Letting their bodies act naturally in combat by fighting without thinking
    • Ultra Instinct; something even Beerus has yet to master

What made the training more effective was the Saiyans sparring with each other. Whis commented that those two training together was advancing their skills even faster than training with him.


While they were training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber in preparation for the Universe 7 vs.  Universe 6 Tournament, Goku mentioned that sparring with Vegeta was allowing him to see his own weaknesses. Vegeta begrudgery agreed with that comment before going at it again with his rival.


The one thing Whis was unable to teach his students was how to work together. These two did not mince words when expressing their desire to get stronger and fighting separately instead of as a unit.

Even Whis pointed this out when Jiren was being thrown off balance by Goku and Vegeta after the Saiyan Prince reached his new limit-breaker form. The Saiyans were fighting at the same time against Jiren, but they were not synchronized which proved effective against the silent alien.

Considering that Vegeta gave his all against Toppo, I do not think he and Goku will be fusing against Jiren. I believe #17 and Vegeta will be eliminated at some point before the finale. The last Universe 7 fighters will be Goku and Frieza.


Nothing is confirmed, but I do not doubt that these two will be the last ones standing based on a Dragon Ball Heroes trailer last year. In the trailer, we saw Jiren standing against Golden Frieza and Goku. I think the finale will be Goku once again using Ultra Instinct to fight Jiren.

Not to mention, Frieza was nowhere to be seen after the Final Explosion. We know that Frieza was not eliminated because he was not teleported to the sidelines with the gods and other defeated fighters. I think he will be in hiding until the right moment to either land a decisive blow or have Jiren and Goku eliminate each other so he wins the Super Dragon Balls.


Overall, Toppo should have been the final obstacle for Goku and Vegeta to overcome. Either by Fusion, tag-teaming or mastering their limit-breaker/Ultra Instinct powers, the Saiyans could topple the God of Destruction candidate to save their universe.

By extension, there would be nothing left for Whis to teach them. Perhaps at some point they could challenge Beerus again, but for now they could move on with their lives away from Beerus’ planet.

This could explain Goku’s blue gi at the end of Z. However, those are just my thoughts on the subject because Toppo seemed to be a much more interesting character than Jiren. Not just in his personality, but also in his characteristics and justice-themed attacks.


Toppo throwing away his beliefs in favor of destruction is a contrast to Vegeta holding onto his pride and Goku holding onto to his battle hungry spirit. That is why these two could not become the God of Destruction of Universe 7 because doing so meant letting go of who they are.

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Will Candace’s Father Appear on The Show? | Tyler Perry’s The Haves and the Have Nots

By Jeremy Carden

Considering that Hanna told Candace about her father, I have no doubt in my mind that this mystery man will eventually appear on the HAHN.



The most important takeaway from Hanna’s story was the information given about the lion tattoo. This is evident by the fact that the episode was called “The Lion.” She described it as a tattoo that seemed to be staring at her while she was being raped by that man.

Something tells me that this man will appear later this season. Nothing is confirmed, but I do not think the tattoo would have been elaborated on unless it would appear again in the story.


Hanna warned Candace that she could be sleeping with her father without even knowing it because of the numerous men that she hops into bed with.


With the tattoo now being revealed as somewhat of an omen, do you think Candace will eventually encounter it during one of her sexual escapades?

Since the season has just started, it will take a few more episode to see if this plot point will ever be revisited again.


Will it be Derrick the handyman? Will it be a character that we have not met yet? What do you think?

Here are some videos with my thoughts on this subject:

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Will Jim Cryer Face Jail Time in Real Life? | Tyler Perry’s The Haves and the Have Nots

By Jeremy Carden

Sadly, John Schneider is going through some hard times with his ex-wife. Apparently, he is behind by about $185,000 in alimony after his divorce. The main reason for this is because of a massive flood in 2016 doing extensive damage to his Louisiana movie studio.


Since that disaster, John has been putting every penny into repairing the damages. Schneider is potentially going to face about three months in jail if things are not resolved. Hopefully, everything will be taken care of within a reasonable amount of time.

The question for HAHN fans is whether jail time could impact John’s character on the show. We know that Jim Cryer has spent time behind bars a couple of seasons ago. However, our hope is that he will not have to go through the same drama in real life.


As of right now, I do not think Jim Cryer will be impacted if John does go to jail. Why? The next season has wrapped up filming about a week ago. If John is held for three months, I believe that will occur during a time where the actors are not filming the show.

Even though I am a big fan of the show, I am more concerned with John’s life outside of the HAHN. He has been through a lot with his studio being wrecked during the flood. I remember when he was posting videos online about how the water caused extensive damage. Maybe things will be settled in a reasonable way for both he and his ex-wife to come out victorious.

Here is a link to the Fox News article on the matter:


Also, here is a video with my thoughts on the situation:

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