What-if: Madea and Mr. Brown Were Veronica’s Parents? | Tyler Perry’s The Haves and the Have Nots

By Jeremy Carden


It feels like it has been a century since I made a post on here. Honestly, it is a joy to be back in blog form because YouTube has become the central hub of my HAHN content!

First off, make sure you subscribe to my HAHN YouTube channel if you have not done so already:


My channel is less than 9,000 subscribers away from 100,000! I want to get there as quickly as possible, and I cannot do it without the help of other Tyler Perry fans.

I know that a lot of Madea fans have been wanting her to make an appearance in the HAHN for quite a while. However, I was never a fan of that because the HAHN is a drama series that put Tyler Perry in another arena from his usual style of comedic writing. As I wrote the notes for this theory, I came across a few interesting clues that could make this theory work!

While I was reading through the comments on my video going over this idea, a lot of people were quick to say how ridiculous it was. Most people were pointing out that Veronica and Cora do not have the same last names, Brown isn’t dead, etc.

I think I should address a couple of the things that people have commented on YouTube:

  1. How could Cora be related to Veronica? They do not even have the same last name!

Why is this even a question? Veronica married David HARRINGTON! That means she took his last name and dropped her previous name. For all we know, her previous name could’ve been “Simmons.” On top of that, Tyler could write Madea and Mr. Brown into the series without making them mirror images of their play/movie/sitcom counterparts. Veronica has siblings, but that does not mean Cora has to be one of her sisters. Remember that this could be a completely different continuity.


  1. Mr. Brown wasn’t a gambler or a pimp!

It was stated by Katheryn in the series that Veronica’s father played the numbers as well as women. Once again, Tyler could write Mr. Brown to be an entirely different character for the HAHN. Not to mention, Veronica’s father is dead in the story of the series. We know that Jim sued him so badly that Veronica’s mother hates his guts. Also, a good nod to the “Meet the Browns” movie was the line about how “Your daddy was a pimp!”

  1. Tyler Perry said that he was done with Madea

This response does not need a lot of text because it has been stated from the man himself that Madea will be coming back. With the various platforms that Tyler Perry has access to with his Viacom deal, he’ll have our favorite “mad black woman” on our screens soon enough.


Viewers were not listening to my video very well because I stated that this scenario would take place within the universe or continuity of the HAHN instead of the MCU (Madea Cinematic Universe).

Here are some of the various clues that support the theory that Veronica’s parents COULD be Mr. Brown and Madea:


After looking at these clues, I think Tyler Perry could make this work. Remember that “Eddie” from “If Loving You Is Wrong” popped up in “A Madea Family Funeral.” It was stated that “Eddie/Edward” was the name of the officer that pulled Brian over in the movie. However, there was no confirmation that the movie was taking place in the same universe as “If Loving You Is Wrong.”

Also, the property of Tyler Perry Studios has a lot where many of the houses from the MCU, HAHN and If Loving You Is Wrong are located on the same street! Tyler Perry could easily put characters from his other projects into his television shows.

Overall, I think it would be a fun twist on the series for Madea to appear and shake things up. Season 7 has been labeled the “deadliest” season of them all. Madea is so deadly that even the Malones would be shaken to take her on!

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below and checkout my video as well:

Help Me Reach 100,000 YouTube Subscribers!

by Jeremy Carden

To everyone who has supported me ever since my days blogging on WordPress, I cannot thank you enough for helping me along my journey. The transition to YouTube a couple of years ago has reached a level that I never expected to achieve after such a short amount of time.

In this post, I just want to express my gratitude to my subscribers and followers because I could not have made it this far without you. I will be going over some of the numbers from 2018, and how each of my social media platforms have grown. Some people might find figures and numbers a bit boring, but I could not be more excited to share my success with you! This will allow you to see that each video that you watch and online post that you LIKE and SHARE makes a difference!


October 2017 was when I left my full-time job at a call center in order to focus on my YouTube channel for a living. The Haves and the Have Nots was a show that I loved with a passion, and my channel was focused on reviewing the series.

With the whole mess involving Logan Paul posting the body of a suicide victim online, YouTube was faced with what was called the “Ad-pocalypse.” Content creators on YouTube were dealing with very strict rules on videos because nearly everything was being held for review before advertisements could be added. This really slowed down my income for the first few months of 2018.

However, things started to get back on track sometime in April. One reason for my increase in success is because of TubeBuddy. It’s is a free program for YouTubers to utilize in order to keep track of the progress of their channel. This amazing program sent me a video earlier today that broke down my channel’s growth last year. Below are the numbers:



As you can see, there was a massive increase in the number of videos that I posted. With more time to create, I can record and upload videos at a much faster rate. Will I have an even greater number of uploads in 2019? I would like to focus more on quality over quantity, but I must report on news that is dropped into my lap for fans to stay informed. Also, the increase in views is an extension of the videos that I post. If possible, I hope the channel will hit 20 million views before the end of the year.

Finally, I want to talk about the massive jump in subscribers! If you have been watching my videos or following my Instagram account, you know that 100k is my long-term goal! If the channel continues the momentum, I have no doubt that it will hit that magic number before 2020. My hope is that I hit that milestone before I turn 28 on August 29th.

Now, here are the Top 3 videos from 2018:




If the storyline for Season 6 is as jam-packed as Season 5, I have no doubt that there will be a video or two to hit over 200,000 views!


With the channel currently over 58,000 subscribers, I have hope that it can hit 70,000 before the end of March. It really depends on how many people tune-in for the season premiere on Tuesday, January 8th.

What can you do to help?

Honestly, it is just a simple matter of sharing my channel around to other fans of The Haves and the Have Nots. The series is still the #1 show on OWN! That means there are millions of people who watch the show. However, not all of those fans are aware of my YouTube channel.

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Once the channel hits 100k subscribers, I am certain that it will continue to grow at an even higher rather. Currently, my channel is at the Bronze level with Youtube. This is a level for channels with 10,000-100,000 subscribers. After reaching over 100k, my channel will be at the Silver and Up level. This means YouTube will make my content even more visible during searches.

As badly as I want to reach that level, I wanted to take a moment to appreciate how far my channel has come since 2017. Once again, I cannot express the amount of gratitude to each one of you for your support.

Here is a link to my channel:


PLEASE subscribe if you have not done so already. With the HAHN returning in less than a week, you can expect a lot of new content on the channel very soon!

Episode Review: Veronica’s House | Tyler Perry’s The Haves and the Have Nots

By Jeremy Carden

Well folks, The Haves and the Have Nots has finally returned to OWN! I have to say that I am pleased that the show is back such after a short break.


In my opinion, the episode that dropped on May 1st was the best episode of Season 5! Honestly, the overall pacing and story lines of the episode worked for me. True, the first 20 minutes did seem a bit stretched out and slow. Did anyone else get Acrimony vibes during the opening scene with Veronica claiming that David is in HER house with a whore?


However, things took a turn in the right direction when Veronica and Justin met in the hallway of the jail. For me, the episode just really started to take its foot off the break.


Of course, how could I not talk about the cliffhanger between Wyatt and his parents! Everyone is talking about that backhand the he gave Katheryn and the wine bottle that was slammed on the back of Jim’s head.

If you want all my thoughts on the episode, I urge you to check out my video below:

Trust and believe that I have a lot to talk about. This is the best time to subscribe to my YouTube channel if you have not done so already.

We will have new episodes of the show for the next 3 months, and I could not be more excited about it! There is so much ground to cover over the next 11 Tuesdays.


My channel has just hit over 25,000 subscribers, but there is still room for plenty of HAHN fans to jump abroad!

Please share the video around and tell other fans to join the channel!

If this episode was an indication of what is to come for the rest of the season, I feel that we are in for one heck of a ride.


Overall, I give “Veronica’s House” a 9/10. It was easily better than the first 10 episodes that we got during the beginning of 2018. For me, the first portion of the episode moving a bit slow was really the only thing holding it back from a perfect score.


Next week’s episode looks intriguing as well! If you want to see my trailer breakdown video for “In His Eyes” then you need to click on the video below ASAP:


Be sure to follow me on my other social media platforms for my thoughts on all things Tyler Perry-related:












HAHN Facebook Group:



HAHN Facebook Page:



Second Youtube Channel:


Will Candace’s Father Appear on The Show? | Tyler Perry’s The Haves and the Have Nots

By Jeremy Carden

Considering that Hanna told Candace about her father, I have no doubt in my mind that this mystery man will eventually appear on the HAHN.



The most important takeaway from Hanna’s story was the information given about the lion tattoo. This is evident by the fact that the episode was called “The Lion.” She described it as a tattoo that seemed to be staring at her while she was being raped by that man.

Something tells me that this man will appear later this season. Nothing is confirmed, but I do not think the tattoo would have been elaborated on unless it would appear again in the story.


Hanna warned Candace that she could be sleeping with her father without even knowing it because of the numerous men that she hops into bed with.


With the tattoo now being revealed as somewhat of an omen, do you think Candace will eventually encounter it during one of her sexual escapades?

Since the season has just started, it will take a few more episode to see if this plot point will ever be revisited again.


Will it be Derrick the handyman? Will it be a character that we have not met yet? What do you think?

Here are some videos with my thoughts on this subject:

If you have not done so already, I would highly suggest following me on my other social media outlets:

The Best Tyler Perry Youtube Channel!

By Jeremy Carden

This is a special post dedicated to ALL of “The Haves and the Have Nots” fans that have followed my blog since I got started way back in Season 1 of the show! I really want to make sure that everyone knows about my Youtube channel that is now my outlet for getting my thoughts out there on everything HAHN related.


My channel is called “Tyler Perry’s The Haves and the Have Nots Review.” On the channel, I do what I used to with my blog. I simply talk about the episodes, theories, character breakdowns and other things focused on the show. Not to mention, I also talk about If Loving You Is Wrong, The Payne’s, Tyler Perry movies/plays along with anything in the works within the walls of Tyler Perry Studios.

Last October, I quit my full-time job at the call center to become a full-time Youtuber. For some reason, the channel suddenly exploded with 1000s of new subscribers around last June. The money that I was making via advertisements was enough for me to pay my bills. With this new source of income, I was blessed to dedicate all of my time towards making videos.


Currently, the channel has about 450 videos! This is no joke at all because I have a lot to say about The Haves and the Have Nots.

If you have been following my blog since I got started, you know for a fact that the length of the blogs were pretty long. That is because I leave no stone unturned whenever I talk about a possible theory regarding the show.

Now, imagine that in video form meaning you do not have to read a blog that was about 10 miles long!

You also get the benefit of listening to my smooth voice while thinking about whether or not you agree with what I am saying.


Making videos has proven to be a much faster way of getting my thoughts out there. This means you are the ones who win because you get a video to listen as you are doing other things instead of being forced to read a blog while placing everything else on hold.

At this point, the channel is over 17,500+ subscribers! We are knocking on the door of 18,000 at this rate. I do not take any of this success for granted because around this time last year, I barely had 600 subscribers. It is nothing short of a blessing that the channel has grown nearly 30 times in size since then.


What is the point of this blog? Aside from making sure everyone knows where to go if they want my insight on all things HAHN, I need to make a request. Believe it or not, it has nothing to do with money.

The goal for my channel is to reach 100,000+ subscribers.

Let me write that again in case you missed it…



I know that might seem crazy, but I believe we can make it happen. How? We are talking about a hit show on Tuesday nights. A show that was Tyler Perry’s first step into a direction outside of the Madea dress and wig. A show that was not a sitcom with a laugh track behind every line of dialogue. A show that was telling stories that had compelling characters bringing drama into our living rooms every Tuesday night.

This WordPress blog that I started after I was inspired to share my theories with like-minded HAHN addicts has been viewed more than 600,000+ times. Keep in mind, I spent over three years working on this blog without a single cent to show for it. However, a good friend pointed me in the direction of Youtube to widen my audience.


My channel has over 3,375,856 views! This is just a testament to how hard work, faith and determination cannot go without being rewarded. At first glance, it might seem like I am throwing out numbers just to boast or sound impressive. I want to stress that it NOT the reason behind this post.

If anything, this is a huge thank you to everyone that has been with me since Day 1 reading my theory blogs that were sometimes right on the money (Candace not being killed by the Malones) and other times off target (Amanda being Celine’s daughter) from what the actual show revealed to us later on down the line.

One of the main reasons I would like to hit over 100,000 subscribers is because channels that hit that milestone are given a special plaque.

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I would love to receive one in the mail that reads: “Tyler Perry’s The Haves and the Have Nots Review: Congratulations For Surpassing 100,000 Subscribers!

For those of you that have made it this far into the blog, you might be thinking about how you could help me make this dream a reality. If so, the answer is actually pretty simple. All it takes is for you to subscribe to my channel if you have not done so already. You can also share the videos that you like or think are good predictions about the plot. These little things will get my channel out there to those who do not already know about it.

The biggest video on the channel is about the Ice Queen herself! It was my first video to surpass 200,000 views. The video had to do with whether or not she survived the car accident at the end of last season.

Turns out she survived after all, but that cliffhanger had everyone guessing what was going to happen next! Sadly, the accident was resolved a bit too quickly for my taste, but that is besides the point. If this video could surpass 200,000 views in less than 3 months then I know it is possible for this channel to reach 100,000+ subscribers in the near future!

My promise to all of my followers is to provide quality videos. Aside from videos where only my thoughts are discussed, I also do live streams where some fans call me on Google Hangouts. It really gives the channel a radio-like vibe because callers talk with me about all things HAHN.

I guess those three years in the call center paid off because it makes transitioning over to this Youtube platform a lot easier. That just goes to show God does not put you into an arena without some hidden purpose behind it.

If Michael Jackson did not believe in his vision to create the biggest selling album of all time, Thriller would not have been released. The King of Pop believed in his vision and Thriller still stands at the top of the mountain even after his passing. Now, I know I need to believe in myself when it comes to this channel.

Jesus feed the multiple with two fish and five loaves of bread. He will make a way! I am a very independent person, but I have been humbled by this channel. It has shown me that my posts, videos, etc. are not just about me. They are my thoughts, but everyone who comments on them with their perspective keeps the conversion going. In most of my videos, I mention that the comment section is just an extension of my video. The video is the first domino knocking over the next one and there have been some very good conversations on my posts and videos.


That is why I am reaching out to everyone out there using every social media platform that I have! I urge you to subscribe, share my channel on your own social media outlets to ensure everyone knows about it.

Aside from hitting my goal of 100,000 subscribers, I want to increase this HAHN family so everyone has a chance to have their voice heard in an outlet with like-minded addicts of this show!

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Sadly, the show will be ending in 2020 because that is when Tyler Perry’s contract with OWN will official come to an end. We will have to say goodbye to HAHN and If Loving You Is Wrong. However, that does not mean these shows will not continue on another network if the fans make enough noise. Trust me, I have no doubt in my mind that all of us together can help the show stay alive.

Remember that the fans were the reason that The Payne’s was brought back from a five year hiatus after that House of Payne cliffhanger.

That is why I do not take my channel lightly because it is a voice for the people who love Tyler Perry’s work. Something else that I would like to make clear is that I never post links or videos of the episodes themselves. That is a serious breach of trust as well as copyright infringement that could get my channel shutdown. Considering this is my one source of income, that would be a very bad idea…

Not to mention, that would be something that is against my own moral code. So, I wanted you to know that my channel is made of original content regarding my thoughts, ideas (as well as your own) about the HAHN along with Tyler Perry’s other shows and movies.


Keeping an eye on the subscriber number and seeing it increasing makes me feel like Goku collecting energy for his Spirit Bomb.

In case you missed the link above, I wanted to leave a link to my Youtube channel:


I also have other social media outlets that you should follow to make sure you are aware of my posts whenever I add something new to the channel:

Thank you so much for taking the time to read through all of this. For those of you that have been supporting me since the start of my HAHN journey, I cannot thank you enough. To those of you that are just joining this big HAHN family, I hope you enjoy the ride because you haven’t seen anything yet! 

Please get my channel out there, and I will continue to do more videos. As always, I’ll be doing what I can to keep interest in the show alive and well even during the brief hiatus periods between seasons! 

Tyler Perry’s The Haves and the Have Nots: Is Candace Getting What She Deserves?

by Jeremy Carden

This season is finally heating up! Not just with Katheryn and Veronica burning down the Cryer Estate, but Candace finally learns that her son was killed.


In a very emotional scene, Candace is in tears after Charles delivers the bad news. This has the HAHN fanbase divided because while some feel sorry for Candy Cane, you can easily tell why other fans are not feeling too sympathetic for Candace.

Love her or hate her, you have to admit that it is sad for any mother to lose a child. However, can you honestly call Candace Young a mother to a child that she neglected for the most part even after he was rescued from Quitta’s grip by his Uncle Benny?

In this video, I go into great detail about my thoughts on this subject:

I will be going into my thoughts about Candace as a person, mother, sister and daughter. I hope that you will leave your thoughts on this subject below because this is truly something worth discussing!


There is so much to cover before next Tuesday, and I want to get your input on Candace. Personally, I found it disgusting that she blames her mother for what happened. She even says that Hanna should be dead instead of her son.

It is a sad thing to witness considering that Hanna has done so much for Candace that she does not even know about! Remember when she went to Warlock to see if he would leave Candace alone?


There are a lot of people that we can point our finger at to blame for Quincy Jr.’s death. However, all roads lead back to Candace and Jim’s affair that started this entire series.

Who do you think is at fault for Quincy’s death? Is Candace right to be mad at Hanna? Do you think she even loved her son?

Be sure to subscribe to my social media outlets below because I discuss all things HAHN related:

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxK7d-uhObZyXxwtWBkFiKA

Twitter: https://twitter.com/jccarden

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehavesandthehavenotstheories/

Tyler Perry’s The Haves and the Have Nots Trailer Breakdown

By Jeremy Carden


We’ve finally got a glimpse into the new set of episodes coming out on June 20th!

I got into detail in my video on each and every scene that was given to us in the trailer.

There is a lot of ground to cover because there were so many scenes in less than 60 seconds given to us.


Sadly, it appears that Quincy Jr. is dead because we see a casket in the background of the photo above.


I thought Landon went back to Atlanta, GA after he got strong armed by Candace’s crew for information about Oscar?


Also, it looks like Mama Rose is going to be portrayed by a different actress this season.


Are Jim and Mama Rose meeting at ‘the restaurant‘ that Rose has always asked Jim to come visit?

I have at least half a dozen videos on the way because the trailer gave us a lot of new information. Be on the lookout!

Let me know your thoughts on what is to come in the next season. Be sure to follow me on my other social media sites to keep up to date with my HAHN reviews and videos.

Tyler Perry’s The Haves and the Have Nots Theory: Is Melissa Damaged Goods?


By Jeremy Carden


After that jaw-dropping midseason finale, the question that a lot of HAHN fans are asking is whether or not Melissa is still a valuable part of Veronica’s plan.

With her father’s passing (as a result of Veronica not supplying him with his essential medication), Melissa was seen sobbing in a pool of her blood.


We will not know until the new episodes as to whether or not the baby is alright.

If the baby is not going to be born in a healthy state, will Veronica toss Melissa in the streets in order to start over?

Will she simply find another young woman that she can manipulate in order to get Jeffrey to live the life that she wants him to?

I go into more detail in the video below:


We all know that Veronica is a piece of work, but this is just too much! I cannot help but feel sorry for Melissa despite everything that she has done up to this point.

Yes, she has been a pawn in Veronica’s sick game. However, she has been mistreated by her ‘buyer’ (Veronica) for the sake of giving her a grandson.


Sadly, she has done all of this for her family. I cannot wait to see what will happen with her character in the next few months.

As always, please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below in regards to what you think will happen next!

Be sure to keep up with my social media pages because I have more HAHN videos on the way!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/jccarden

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehavesandthehavenotstheories/

Tyler Perry’s The Haves and the Have Nots Theory: Who is at Fault for Quincy Jr. Getting Shot?

By Jeremy Carden

OWN Haves

We were left with quite the midseason finale last Tuesday! That cliffhanger ending was one of the record books.

It is not clear as to whether or not Quincy Jr. is dead or barely hanging onto life after Warlock and his gang crashed into Hanna’s motel room and opened fire on the outnumbered Mitch and Benny.

The two barely managed to lift up the mattress in order to avoid being shot.


*War and his crew seem to be horrible with firearms because Benny and Mitch were literally right in front of them, but they could not manage to land a single bullet into their intended targets* 

Unfortunately, Hanna and Little Q were not so lucky because some of the stray bullets went into the restroom that they were hiding out in.

Aside from asking the question about whether or not Little Q is still alive, a lot of fans are debating about who to place the blame on regarding this situation.


Is Hanna at fault? I mean, Hanna was he one that unintentionally lead one of War’s crew members to her motel because she was followed, and that was how he knew where to find them.


Is War at fault? Seriously, he was the one to open fire in the first place.

mitch and candace

How about Candace? She was the one that started this entire mess to begin with. However, she did pay War the $2 million that she promised which put her back into good terms with him again.

Then Mitch came into the fix by planting drugs in War’s car that lead to him getting arrested and blaming Candy Cane for him getting busted.

Who is the one we should be placing the blame on? 

Well, I think you should check out the video below where I go into detail about who is responsible and who will feel guilty about this:

As always, follow me on my HAHN social media outlets to keep up-to-date with all of my new videos and blogs!

-HAHN Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thehavesandthehavenotstheories/
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/jccarden
-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/jbiblecarden/videos

Tyler Perry’s The Haves and the Have Nots Theory: Will Warlock Kill Candace’s Son?

By Jeremy Carden


This is a last-minute video that I created before the finale about my thoughts on if Little Quincy is the victim of Warlock’s assault during his search for Candace:

Honestly, I did not want to make this video because the topic is about the potential death of a child. However, this show has proved that no one is exempt from the possibility of falling prey to the malicious acts of the ill-will of others.


A heavy topic for sure, but in terms of story-driven plot points, this is one of the most powerful that Tyler Perry could come up with.

If Candace’s son is killed, who do you think will take the death the hardest; Candace or Hanna? 

Even though the midseason finale is tonight, be sure to check out my other HAHN social media outlets for my new content I’ll be dropping during the hiatus!

HAHN Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thehavesandthehavenotstheories/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jccarden
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/jbiblecarden/videos