Could Gogeta or Vegito Defeat Jiren? | Dragon Ball Super

By Jeremy Carden

I am not sure if this was already mentioned in one of my previous blogs, but I was originally against the idea of Goku and Vegeta fusing during the Tournament of Power.

Yes, this went for both Gogeta (Fusion Dance) and Vegito (Potara Earrings).


I felt like the Tournament of Power had already handed out enough transformations, power-ups, fusion (Kefla and the Universe 6 Namekians). However, I think the change in tone of the final battle between Universes 7 and 11 has given me a new perspective about fusion.

Goku and Vegeta fusing now would seem appropriate instead of being nothing more than mere fan service like it was during the Zamasu/Goku Black arc or at the end of GT.

In the last episode, Vegeta said that he was willing to do whatever it took to defeat Jiren. 17’s sacrifice to buy the Saiyans sometime for them to recover some stamina would have been the trigger for them to fuse.


The Saiyans pulled out all the stops to defeat the powerful alien of Universe 11. They tried a Spirit Bomb, Kaio Ken times 20, Ultra Instinct Omen, Final Flash, Limit-Breaker Vegeta, etc.

Heck, Goku even organized a coordinated attack with 17 and Vegeta and that still wasn’t enough!

With both warriors barely able to stand, they refused to surrender considering Vegeta’s promise to Cabba and Goku’s resolve to avenge 17.

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If done right, I believe this would have been one of the most epic battles of the entire franchise. Yes, I am certain that we would see very powerful attacks and fight sequences. However, I think the meaning behind the battle would be even greater than the fight itself.

Jiren does not trust anyone except for himself and his own belief in absolute power standing above all.

Who better to show Jiren that trusting each other and what it means to draw strength from a desire to protect something other than yourself than Goku and Vegeta?


Remember that they made it clear during Resurrection F/Golden Frieza Saga that they would rather fight alone without helping each other due to their pride.

They did put their differences aside to fuse into Vegito to face Merged Zamasu because the stakes were way too high for either one of them to handle alone. It was for the sake of saving Trunks’ timeline.

Here the same rules apply because they would be fusing to save their entire universe from being erased.


Since Dragon Ball Super is ending soon, it was just revealed that Goku would be obtaining full mastery of Ultra Instinct. This new level of Ultra Instinct will have the Saiyan sporting white/silver hair. Fans are already split over this new form, but I will wait until I see it in the anime before I form an opinion of my own.

Would Gogeta or Vegito have a mastered version of Ultra Instinct if Goku and Vegeta fused? I would like to say yes because both Saiyans had reached a limit-breaker form.


Having them fuse with Vegeta (attack) and Goku (defense) having one piece of the puzzle that is Ultra Instinct would have been amazing to see!

In the end, Jiren would eat a piece of humble pie while finally accepting the fact that trust is not a weakness but a strength. It is something far more absolute than any level of strength of that Jiren could achieve on his own.


Gogeta or Vegito should be more than capable of handing Jiren. Considering that Goku with Ultra Instinct will being giving Jiren a run for his money, I do not believe that a Goku/Vegeta fusion would not be able to get the job done.

Yeah, I might be looking too deep into this subject, but I’d much rather see a brotherhood between these Saiyans to show this emotionless bastard what ‘absolute power’ truly is!


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Toppo Should Have Been The Final Opponent | Dragon Ball Super

By Jeremy Carden

For those of you that have not watched Episode 126, I would suggest clicking off this blog immediately to avoid spoilers.

If you watched the last episode of Super, I am sure you are aware that Toppo was eliminated by Vegeta’s Final Explosion sending him out of bounds.


However, I think that Toppo was defeated much too quickly. Considering how awesome it was when he powered up to his God of Destruction state, Episode 125 was amazing compared to this episode. I am not saying that I disliked Episode 126, but it felt rushed for the most part.

The first half of the episode showed Toppo blowing up more rocks than inflicting damage on Android 17. Heck, the first 2-3 minutes of the episode was literally the last couple of minutes from last week’s episode!

I was also cringing at the thought of Piccolo and Beerus being excited that #17 was able to trick Toppo into being covered with rubble from the arena. Don’t get me wrong, it was a crafty strategy that worked. However, I can’t believe they thought a God of Destruction tier opponent would be overtaken by rocks of all things.

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One of the most epic scenes from last week’s episode was how easily Toppo defeated Frieza. #17 tossing that rock to prevent Frieza from being eliminated led a lot of viewers to believe the Frost Demon would be unconscious for at least one or two episodes. However, Frieza was back in this episode like nothing happened a few seconds ago.

Basically, the first 7-9 minutes of the episode was a game of cat and mouse between Toppo, Frieza and #17 like it was in the last episode. Vegeta got forced into fighting Toppo instead of him confronting the “second fiddle” of Universe 11 as the preview had viewers thinking he would.

I think for a solid minute, Vegeta was being bombarded by energy blasts from Toppo. During this entire scene, I was thinking #17 and Frieza would try to distract Toppo for Vegeta to counter. It just seemed like those two disappeared as soon as Toppo started attacking the Saiyan Prince.


Honestly, I did not enjoy this fight as much as I thought I would. As I mentioned before, it seemed like Toppo was being rushed off the arena. The dialogue between Toppo and Vegeta was more interesting than the actual fight. Last week, Toppo was dominating his opponents. This week, Toppo was being knocked around like a ragdoll by Vegeta. It would have been better if their battle was at least two episodes. Have Vegeta struggling at first, but then pushing Toppo back after gaining a new sense of resolve by thinking of his loved ones.

Yes, I understand that Super is ending in about five episodes. However, this is going to lead to a very rushed ending that will leave a sour taste in the mouths of fans. Seeing the beam collision between the Final Flash and Toppo’s destructive energy was cool. Though it just felt too rushed for me to enjoy the scene. Vegeta thinking about his family and promise to Cabba was interesting. It showed the character growth that he has had since Z. Toppo was almost a representation of Majin Vegeta.

Remember that Toppo threw away everything that made him Toppo. He let go of his sense of good, evil and most importantly his justice. Just as Vegeta let go of what he considered to be petty attachments for Babidi to take his soul to gain enough power to close the gap between himself and Goku.

Going even further back into the Z series, remember that Vegeta told Goku to let go of his soft-heartedness to defeat Frieza. On the contrary, it was his soft heart that allowed him to become enraged enough to achieve the Super Saiyan transformation.


This was one of the reasons why the Vegeta vs. Toppo fight should have been extended for at least another episode. We got to see Vegeta draw strength his family. This is very ironic because in the episode “Vegeta’s Respect”, Vegeta questioned if Goku had such amazing power because it was his sense of duty to protect his friends and loved ones. However, when Vegeta found himself with a family of his own, he did not get any sort of power increase.

All of that made the moment where he berated Toppo for surrendering his justice even better. The problem was that the scene was over in the blink of an eye, and did not have enough time for those words to sink in. There was more time spent on Vegeta’s fists pounding Toppo in the face or destroying the energy blasts sent his way. All of that looked good, but it would have been cooler to see Toppo somewhat second guessing his decision.

Even though the Final Explosion was incredible to see once again, this fight did not seem worthy of one. Vegeta did not seem to be having that much of a difficult time against Toppo that he would have to resort to using his suicidal technique.

After Vegeta lashed out at Toppo, he was not able to even land a hit on the Saiyan. All of this made Toppo’s feats in the last episode even less impressive because a few seconds later Vegeta is beating the tar out of him.

It appears that Super seems to have allow these fighters to use techniques that have life-threatening effects doing nothing more than lead to exhausted from a severe loss of energy and stamina. We saw this with the Evil Containment Wave in the Goku Black Saga when Goku used it on Zamasu in the manga. He did not have enough energy to go Super Saiyan Blue but resorted to Super Saiyan God to fight the immortal Kai. Even Roshi used the wave several times in the tournament without dying!

Apparently, if a character is powerful enough then their ki is severely drained but not the entirety of their life force.

It reminded me of the videos games where Majin Vegeta uses the Final Explosion but survives with only one hit point and nearly zero ki left.


Overall, Toppo was wasted in the Tournament of Power. Not only did he fail to eliminate even ONE opponent, but he had more success blowing up the arena than knocking off fighters.

Now, why did I mention that Toppo should have been the final opponent?

It all goes back to how Super began. This series started with the introduction of god-tier characters like Whis and Beerus. The challenge that Goku and Vegeta faced was gaining the power necessary to compete with these beings.

Super should have ended with Goku and Vegeta overcoming someone who is in the same league as a God of Destruction. If anything, I think it would be like a graduation or right of passage for them.

Toppo represented what Goku and Vegeta declined from Whis. They turned down the chance to be trained as the next God of Destruction of Universe 7. Vegeta asked Whis to take him on as a student, but Whis mentioned that he would only train the next God of Destruction.


After the battle with Beerus in the Battle of Gods movie, Whis asked if Goku would like to take Beerus’ position after he died. The Saiyan turned down the offer, but he was more than willing to join Vegeta on Beerus’ planet to train.

Instead of sharing how to utilize the powers of a God of Destruction, it seems like Whis was more focused on teaching the Saiyans the following things:

  • Ki control
  • Sensing beings with divine energy
  • Recognizing their flaws
    • Goku is too relaxed leaving himself open to attack
    • Vegeta is too stressed which prevents him from reacting fast enough in combat
  • Learning how to work together
  • Letting their bodies act naturally in combat by fighting without thinking
    • Ultra Instinct; something even Beerus has yet to master

What made the training more effective was the Saiyans sparring with each other. Whis commented that those two training together was advancing their skills even faster than training with him.


While they were training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber in preparation for the Universe 7 vs.  Universe 6 Tournament, Goku mentioned that sparring with Vegeta was allowing him to see his own weaknesses. Vegeta begrudgery agreed with that comment before going at it again with his rival.


The one thing Whis was unable to teach his students was how to work together. These two did not mince words when expressing their desire to get stronger and fighting separately instead of as a unit.

Even Whis pointed this out when Jiren was being thrown off balance by Goku and Vegeta after the Saiyan Prince reached his new limit-breaker form. The Saiyans were fighting at the same time against Jiren, but they were not synchronized which proved effective against the silent alien.

Considering that Vegeta gave his all against Toppo, I do not think he and Goku will be fusing against Jiren. I believe #17 and Vegeta will be eliminated at some point before the finale. The last Universe 7 fighters will be Goku and Frieza.


Nothing is confirmed, but I do not doubt that these two will be the last ones standing based on a Dragon Ball Heroes trailer last year. In the trailer, we saw Jiren standing against Golden Frieza and Goku. I think the finale will be Goku once again using Ultra Instinct to fight Jiren.

Not to mention, Frieza was nowhere to be seen after the Final Explosion. We know that Frieza was not eliminated because he was not teleported to the sidelines with the gods and other defeated fighters. I think he will be in hiding until the right moment to either land a decisive blow or have Jiren and Goku eliminate each other so he wins the Super Dragon Balls.


Overall, Toppo should have been the final obstacle for Goku and Vegeta to overcome. Either by Fusion, tag-teaming or mastering their limit-breaker/Ultra Instinct powers, the Saiyans could topple the God of Destruction candidate to save their universe.

By extension, there would be nothing left for Whis to teach them. Perhaps at some point they could challenge Beerus again, but for now they could move on with their lives away from Beerus’ planet.

This could explain Goku’s blue gi at the end of Z. However, those are just my thoughts on the subject because Toppo seemed to be a much more interesting character than Jiren. Not just in his personality, but also in his characteristics and justice-themed attacks.


Toppo throwing away his beliefs in favor of destruction is a contrast to Vegeta holding onto his pride and Goku holding onto to his battle hungry spirit. That is why these two could not become the God of Destruction of Universe 7 because doing so meant letting go of who they are.

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RANT: Piccolo’s Elimination | Dragon Ball Super

by Jeremy Carden


I knew from the beginning that not all of Universe 7’s Team would make it to the finale of the Tournament of Power.
After tonight’s episode, their team is down to 6 fighters. When you really think about it, MOST of their remaining fighters still have a good deal of stamina.
Androids 17 and 18 do not get exhausted, and 18’s hurt ankle is arguably the only ‘weakness’ within the Android Duo at the moment.
Frieza has only been toying around with his prey, and has gone Golden twice if I’m not mistaken. He did once while playing a facade with Gohan against Frost, and then briefly to take out Super Saiyan 2 Cabba. Aside from that, he’s donated energy to Goku twice; once for the Spirit Bomb and again after he was depleted from fighting Jiren.
Vegeta has been a key player in that he’s been pacing himself, taken out the most fighters in the tournament (right behind Goku by a couple of fighters) and the only time he has gone anywhere close to all-out was against Toppo, but that fight was constantly getting interrupted.
According to Gohan, the ONLY time he has truly used his full power was against the Universe 6 Namekians. Yes, he did go Ultimate briefly against Frieza and Universe 10’s final fighter, but he stated FULL POWER was only used on the Nameks.
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And of course, we all know Goku has been exhausted yet pushing himself for quite sometime now.
Now, we get to the fighters that HAVE been eliminated. In my opinion, Master Roshi was the only one of the four to have a decent elimination.
-Krillin was “caught off guard” by Frost after he was cheering himself on AT THE EDGE OF THE RING after eliminating a fighter with a combo of his foot odor and a Kamehameha Wave.
-Tien was eliminated by Universe 2’s sniper along with his clones instead of leaving at least one of ‘himself’ on the arena…

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-Piccolo was eliminated by the ‘invisible bug’ and then 17 points out that all of them focus too much on ki signature and energy readings instead of the more obvious things like sound.
That’s all well and good, but for PICCOLO to be eliminated because he failed to HEAR something is utter trash!
Yes, I know this fact is non-canon that I’m about to mention but even in the original Broly film, Piccolo joked about hearing King Kai and Goku telepathically speaking about the threat in the Southern Galaxy, and Piccolo took one of Bulma’s spaceships to help out the gang. He even sarcastically said with ears as big as his that he could hear any conversation in the universe. Over-hyping his hearing but it should be acute indeed!
As someone who is mentioned by others and even himself about being one of the most tactical fighters and minds of Universe 7, I think this was one of the DUMBEST ways to eliminate Piccolo!
The only “good” that could come from Piccolo losing is that it pushes Gohan to fight on harder than ever before.
Episode 119 of Super was just awful in my opinion…
Let’s hope that any future eliminations of Team Universe 7 will get handled better than the awful three mentioned above.
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Could Kefla Defeat Jiren? | Dragon Ball Super

by Jeremy Carden

Obviously, this post will contain spoilers about the results of Dragon Ball Super Episode 116. Make sure you take that into consideration before going any further. 

Now, I am glad that this episode took its time in terms of having the characters describing the amount of power each fighter had. However, I think that Kefla was way too overpowered!


For starters, Whis stated that Super Saiyan Kefla’s power rivaled that of the Universe 7 Spirit Bomb; which Roshi said would have defeated Jiren had it hit its target. This explains how Kefla was able to push Goku far enough for him to reactivate Ultra Instinct.


After she went Super Saiyan 2 against Goku, Piccolo theorized that her power might have even surpassed Goku’s during his first bout with Jiren using Ultra Instinct!


Before charging at Goku, Kefla boasts that she feels like her power could destroy an ENTIRE universe!

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It is hard to believe that only a couple of days ago, these female Saiyans did not even know what Super Saiyan was. Now, they have obtained one transformation after another, and Potara on top of that!

Fans have been in an uproar about the Universe 6 Saiyans obtaining all of these transformations with ease, but Universe 7 Saiyans had to go through years of training to obtain their power.

I do not fault Cabba at all because for the two levels of Super Saiyan he has gained, he had to actually work for them! His body was nearly broken and his emotions were pushed to the limits. Even though he is weaker than Kale and Caulifla, I think his characters speaks volumes above the girls.


After becoming enraged over her attacks not hitting Goku, Kefla digs even deeper for more power. Cabba states her power is swelling even larger than before, and Roshi says Goku would lose if he got hit with even one of her attacks at this level.

In the video below, I go into far more detail about Kefla’s power. However, I think that she was written to be too much of a good thing. Yes, it was good to have female Super Saiyans introduced into the franchise, but it was all too much too soon.

It is crazy to think that if she went Super Saiyan 3, her power would have been multiplied by four. However, I think that four would have been the minimum increase because of her bottomless potential! For all we know, she might have obtained some sort of Super Saiyan 3 Berserker transformation! Which I think would have been the trigger to defusing Kefla before the battle could be won.

Remember that Super Saiyan Gotenks could only be utilized for five minutes before Goten and Trunks’ Fusion Dance would split. So, Gotenks had to think carefully before using this form.



Based on the two pictures above, I actually thought that she was going to go Super Saiyan 3 based on her frustration and posture. That hunched positioning of the body is the typical stance for someone about to go Super Saiyan 3!

Considering all of the power that she was using, I was not going to be the least bit surprised had she defused before landing a finishing blow on Goku.


I dare say that she may have been able to surpass even Jiren! That might come across as an unbelievable statement, but look at what the writers have done with her so far.

Overall, I have watched the episode around eight times alright. It literally felt like a Dragon Ball Z episode because the first 8-9 minutes consisted of nothing but Goku and Kelfa powering up while everyone is in awe of their strength!

I was a bit bored in the sense that watching two characters fighting, but one not being able to land a blow can get kind of old. Anyone reading this a Pokemon anime/video game fan?


Don’t you feel that same level of annoyance whenever an opponent uses Double Team, Sand Attack or anything to increase their ability to dodge attacks? It gets so annoying because the battle drags on longer than it should because one Pokemon can’t land an attack at all, and their opponent just attacks whenever it wants to.

One of the worst examples of this was in the Black and White anime (arguably, the worst Pokemon series). It was during the finals of the Jr. Cup World Tournament between Trip’s Serperior and Ash’s Pignite.

During this tournament, Serperior was able to make quick work of every opponent that it was up against. To add insult to injury, this was the only Pokemon that Trip used in the entire tournament. Pignite did everything that it could, but none of its attacks landed.


Serperior was just using its natural speed without the use of a move like Double Team and it was able to move around each attack like it was nothing. Heck, Pignite was spamming Flame Charge to increase its speed, but even that did not work! That resulted in probably one of the worst battles to watch because it was about five minutes of straight attacking and dodging until Serperior won…


I did not feel as upset about watching Goku and Kefla but it was almost getting to that point. However, Goku made up for it with that EPIC Kamehameha to the face! It was so epic that we had to see it THREE times from different angles before Kefla was knocked out of the match.


At least in this episode, we get a twist since Whis points out that even though Goku is handling Kefla with ease, he can’t utilize Ultra Instinct when he attacks because he is still “thinking” of the attack instead of naturally allowing himself to attack. That explains how Kefla as able to get up and dust herself off after each attack.

That is kind of ironic because Kefla’s attacks had the potential to defeat Goku if even one blast landed, but none of Goku’s moves that made contact could finish the job!

Maybe he will be able to master Ultra Instinct before his next match with Jiren.

Do you think Kefla was too overpowered? Do you think she could have defeated Jiren had she obtained Super Saiyan 3? Are you a bit surprised that she did not defuse after exhausting so much power as an enraged Super Saiyan 2? 

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Super Saiyan God Vegeta 

Will Goku And Vegeta Fuse? | Dragon Ball Super

by Jeremy Carden

If Potara Fusion is allowed during the Tournament of Power, do you think that Universe 7’s full-blooded Saiyans merge once again?

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We saw Vegito emerge during the fight with Fused Zamasu, but that was only for seven minutes. If these two use the earrings to fuse again, I think they will be more cautious about how much energy they utilize at once.


Remember that the Final Kamehameha at Super Saiyan Blue reduced their fusion time from 60 minutes to a mere seven! Since there are 22 minutes left in the tournament, I think that Vegito could better utilize his ki until the timer runs out.

In the video below, I go into more detail about how Vegeta seems to be more of an assist character in this tournament. Because of this reason, it would make sense for him and Goku to combine their forces especially against the likes of Jiren!

I think that Vegito (or Gogeta) would be a great asset to Universe 7. Considering they still have seven members left, they are doing the best so far in the tournament.

Ultra Instinct seems to be the key weapon for Beerus’ team at the moment, but fusion would not be a bad thing to have in their back pocket as well.


Jiren was able to crush Goku, but I do not think he would be able to do the same to a Vegito that has a taste of Ultra Instinct himself!

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Do you think we will see Goku and Vegeta put their differences aside once again in order to save their universe? Vegeta was not a volunteer for Goku’s Universe 7 Spirit Bomb, and most fans would consider this to be a sign that he has not interest in fusing with his rival/friend.

What if Goku fuses with Gohan? Would that be a possibly fusion twist that you would not be against seeing in the show?

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Will Fusion Lead To Universe 6’s Downfall? | Dragon Ball Super

by Jeremy Carden


Considering the two female Saiyans from Universe 6 will merge using the Potara Earrings, could this possibly have a negative impact for Champa’s team?

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Even the two Namekians for Universe 6 might fuse as well because Gohan and Piccolo are giving them a run for their money.

In the video below, I go into my full thoughts on the subject.


Do you think that Vegeta and Goku will merge as well in this Tournament of Power?

There is no telling if the Grand Priest and the Omni-Kings will allow the fusion because it is merging technique with tools for the gods, but if Zeno thinks it is cool then it might be allowed…


Will the power go to the fused female’s head? I mean they were memorized by Super Saiyan 3, and they might reduce their fusion time.

The next couple of episodes should answer these questions and more! The biggest one being whether or not this new fusion will count as one or two fighters for Team Universe 6! Remember that Champa’s plan for victory has more to do with the number of fighters left by the end of the tournament, but he only has four more left.

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Dragon Ball Super: Will Cabba Have a New Super Saiyan Transformation?

By Jeremy Carden

It goes without saying that this Universal Survival Tournament is going to be insane! With 80 fighters in the same arena going at it in a battle royale, I think we are going to see a ton of new techniques and characters.


We are going to be reintroduced to some of the Universe 6 fighters, and Vegeta’s protege from the Universe 6 vs. Universe 7 tournament is going to make his return to the ring.


However, we see that Cabba did not have complete control over the Super Saiyan transformation. Yes, he was able to transform on Vegeta’s command before he got knocked out by a Super Saiyan Blue-powered punch, but Cabba still has a long way to go.


Considering that the only time we saw him after the tournament was during the baseball game episode, I think we can assume that he has been undergoing some intense training back on his home world.


The question is whether or not we will see Cabba reveal that he has either mastered his Super Saiyan power or unlocked a new transformation.

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He does not have a tail meaning that we will not see a Great Golden Ape or anything of that level of power. Perhaps he will go Super Saiyan 2 or 3 and considering that a new form (since Goku and Vegeta did not utilize those levels during the matches).

Honestly, I would not be opposed to the young Saiyan using a new form of Super Saiyan that we have not seen before. I think this would be something fresh in terms of the series’ progression.

I know we just had Super Saiyan Rose, but it would be interesting for a Saiyan from another universe to have a Universe 6 exclusive form if you want to call it that.


Is it possible? I think it is not something that is completely impossible. Remember that the Universe 6 Saiyans evolved to the point that they no longer had tails. Yes, I know the standard Super Saiyan transformation was triggered by rage just like it is in Universe 6 (unless you are Goten and Trunks who transformed almost on instinct).

I go into more detail on my thoughts about Cabba in this video:

Overall, I am excited to see Cabba again. Regardless as to whether or not he gets a new form, I hope he is not easily knocked out of the tournament.


Do you think Cabba will have a new transformation or technique up his sleeve?

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Dragon Ball Super: How Strong is Majin Buu?

By Jeremy Carden

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After seeing Majin Buu back in the game after that awesome fight during the Omni-King’s exhibition matches, a lot of fans were excited that our favorite pink blob was still capable of pulling off a victory!

The problem is that a lot of fans have been scratching their heads about how powerful Buu really is.

Something we have to remember is that Fat Buu was the ‘original Buu’ that we saw in the series after he came out of his ball.


Honestly we never see Fat Buu’s full power before splitting into his good and evil counterparts. Remember that many characters like Piccolo and the Supreme Kai mentioned that Buu’s power was growing and growing.

After being held in captivity for so long in that ball, Buu’s power was compressed. The longer he was out of the ball, the more his power grew. It only makes sense after being in that ball for 1,000s of years!


Goku pointed out during his battle with Majin Buu that no matter how much ki he put out as a Super Saiyan 3, Buu’s was going as well to match the Saiyan.


When he first hatched, Gohan mentioned that his trying to sense Buu’s ki was like reaching into a bottomless pit. Buu would only show a hint of his true power when he was being serious or mad about something. An example of this is when Buu effortlessly gauged out Dabura’s eyes and kicked him into a mountain. Then he went back to his playful demeanor.


Eventually, Buu split into Good Buu and Evil Buu. It was clear that the Good Buu did not even get 50% of Fat Buu’s power considering how easily Evil Buu was making sport of him.

Overall, I estimate Good Buu to be around 40%-45% of what he was as Fat Buu.

In this video, I go into even more detail about how powerful Good Buu is, and where I would rank him in terms of power:

What do you think about Buu’s power?


Do you think he will get even stronger as the series goes on, or will his anger be the key for him fighting at his maximum? You never know, we might get some new transformations (even though we see Good Buu as himself at the end of Z)!

Be sure to follow me on my other social media outlets!



Tyler Perry’s The Haves and The Have Nots Theory: Will Warlock Kill Wyatt?

By Jeremy Carden

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Wyatt is back to his old self again, and that can only lead to trouble…

Keep your thinking caps on for the duration of this blog because I hope to connect everything that we have seen so far into one full circle!

This blog not only has to do with Wyatt’s bad habits, but it involves people who were once background characters. Now they have stepped into the forefront as key players that will have a much larger role in how things at this point in the series will play out.


I am referring to characters like Warlock and Jennifer. Until now, these 2 characters have made cameo appearances in the past 3 seasons. However, they now seem to be holding enough cards in their hand to remain seated at the table along with some of the more major characters on the show.

Wyatt’s parents are in prison (at least for the weekend), and Jennifer is relying on him to testify in court. Her vendetta seems to be entirely directed at Jim Cryer, and Wyatt is her most lethal bullet.


She has now released the $12 million inheritance into the hands of this “responsible young man.”

This is where I think that things will backfire in Jennifer’s face…


Based on their last encounter, Wyatt expressed some fear because he knows that his parents will kill him for what he did to them. I think his fear is more towards Jim instead of Katheryn. Jim did beat him last season, and threw him into jail (which resulted in him getting sexually abused).

Jennifer’s main reason for giving him the money was for her prize evidence to get away to a safer location.

Despite telling Jim in Season 2 that he would never want to get high again, he has one of his old buddies bring him some of the “good stuff.” He also brought Wyatt the papers from Veronica’s facility that proves he made it through a majority of his stay in rehab.


Not only does he have the means to get high, but he now the resources to pass any drug test that he has to take.

The “friends” that Wyatt’s supplier wants to bring over like in the old days could cause one hell of a house party. I can imagine Katheryn’s face if she gets out of jail…


She gets home and she’ll walk through her wrecked house filled with high, drunk and passed out “kids” while wearing a face like Madea when Joe threw a house party when she was in jail.


During the conversation, the one thing that stuck out to me was how the dealer said that Wyatt had to pay him the $80,000 for the big bag of drugs. His supplier would kill him AND Wyatt if he does not get the money.

Wyatt tells him not to worry because he will be getting $12 million very soon, and wants his friend to be his “main man.”


Ironic that Wyatt is going to lose his money in a smoke cloud of weed, and Katheryn said that Amanda would simply give her money away to the first person that asked for it.


What does any of this have to do with Warlock?

My theory is that Warlock is the supplier for Wyatt’s dealer. We know that he slings drugs around, and is practically the kingpin of Savannah.


Remember that Benny got about $2,000 worth of drugs to plant on Quincy so that he could be put away in jail for good.

The only other person who I would think gave him the drugs would be Quincy, but I think there is more supporting evidence for Warlock.


Here is how I think things will come around full circle:

For whatever reason, Wyatt is not able to testify in court against his parents. Not to mention he does not get his $12 inheritance from his grandfather which leads to his dealer NOT getting paid.

This means the dealer’s supplier does not get paid leading to a signed death warrant for both Wyatt and his friend.


I could not help but think about the movie Friday because we have 2 friends who are getting high, but their lives are in jeopardy because they do not have the money to pay off the drug supplier!

The reasons for Wyatt not testifying is that he does not pass the drug test, he overdoses or even worse; dies.


In the preview for the next episode, we see Wyatt in a suit and tie. Looks like he is in a restroom preparing to go into court or meet with Jennifer. It looks like he just took the stuff to clean himself up before going undetected during the drug test.

Again, I am not 100% certain how everything is going to play out, but Jennifer is going to lose her grip on Jim through Wyatt. She has way too many cards in her hands, and he is just a loose cannon.


Wyatt ends up biting off more than he can chew because let’s say that he does not get his full inheritance (even though the judge signed off the paper’s in the last episode).

Something is going to happen that prevents him from paying the $80k for the drugs that he, his dealer and possibly the group of friends who were invited to the Cryer Estate.


Warlock comes looking for the money, and after finding out that it is Jim Cryer’s son who owes him; he will come knocking on the front door.


Remember that Candace stated that Jim is afraid of Warlock, but Warlock is also furious at her for lying about how much she extorted from him.


I cannot say if it will be a “friendly” encounter between Warlock and Jim if they meet face to face again. I think it depends on what Warlock does in next week’s episode because he was about to kill Candace before noticing Quincy’s dead body on the floor.

If he dismisses anything she says before leaving, I think he will do what he can to get back at her or something along those lines. In the end, he knows that the Cryer family has more than enough money to pay the $80k in order to preserve Wyatt’s life.


For all we know, Jim might concoct a plan WITH Warlock to get back at Candy Cane. I bet he will pay him a lot more than $80k or $150k for his services.

Jim told David that the war between himself and Candace was not over as he blames her for Amanda’s death. He did get his revenge by killing Professor Cannon because he raped her.


I think that since it takes around 3-4 episodes just for 1 full day to pass in the HAHN series, it might be safe to assume that the Haves will get out of jail around the middle of the season.


Though we know that thinks to Maggie, David will be getting out much sooner than that.


He has a bone to pick with Benny for sleeping with his wife…


Overall, Wyatt is going to ruin everything because of his bad habits, Jennifer is going to lose her best chance at revenge against Jim and Warlock is going to play a much larger role in the grand scheme of things.

What do you think about this theory? Will Jennifer and Warlock be major players in the upcoming episodes? Is Wyatt going to overdose or die? Who is the mystery supplier?

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